LA Clippers Undergo Restructuring Under Coach Ty Lue

LA Clippers head coach Ty Lue is undertaking an ambitious reimagining and restructuring of his team following significant changes to the roster. The departure of star player Paul George to the Philadelphia 76ers on a four-year, $212-million deal was a watershed moment for the franchise, and Lue is facing a robust challenge in shaping the Clippers' future. Nonetheless, he appears ready to meet the task head-on, spurred by what he perceives as a lack of faith in his team’s potential.

"When you lose a guy of Paul George's stature, instantly people [think] oh, they can't win or they're not going to be competitive," Lue remarked, addressing the skepticism surrounding the team’s capability without their former star. "That just challenges me even more. OK, people are counting us out or people don't think we're going to be good. That right there just gives me an extra dose of [motivation]. I can't wait to prove everybody wrong."

Defensive Reinforcements

To bolster their ranks, the Clippers have acquired several defensive stalwarts, including Derrick Jones Jr., Nicolas Batum, and Kris Dunn. The emphasis on defense hints at a strategic shift under Lue’s guidance, aligning with his recent role as Team USA's defensive coordinator during the Olympics. These additions signify a pivot towards a younger, defensively robust team.

"When you lose an important piece like Paul, you gotta do it by committee. He's a very huge defensive player for us, handling the ball, scoring the basketball, making plays. So losing him is going to be tough," Lue acknowledged. "That's what we need. Losing PG, starting over with a younger team and doing things the right way — it's going to take both of us to really get our guys on track. The pieces that we added this year, we got to play a different style. But we're going to play winning basketball and I know we're going to have a chance to be pretty good."

Jeff Van Gundy's Return

Adding to the Clippers' restructuring, Jeff Van Gundy has joined the coaching staff as Lue’s top assistant and defensive coordinator. This marks Van Gundy's return to an NBA sideline after 17 years. His experience and defensive acumen are expected to play a critical role in the Clippers' transition.

Van Gundy’s influence and willingness to voice his opinions are highly valued by Lue. "Jeff is not afraid to share his opinion. It was just a great move," said Mark Few, highlighting the strategic importance of Van Gundy’s addition to the coaching team. Erik Spoelstra, another stalwart in the coaching community, compared Lue's strategic thinking to that of a genius, likening him to "Russell Crowe in 'A Beautiful Mind.'"

Kawhi Leonard's Comeback

In addition to reconfiguring the roster, Lue has one more card up his sleeve — the return of Kawhi Leonard. Leonard had a stellar start to the 2023-24 season, playing 68 of the first 74 games before a late-season knee injury sidelined him. His return is eagerly anticipated, and Lue expressed confidence in Leonard's readiness for the upcoming season.

"I speak to him all the time. He'll be ready for [Clippers] training camp. He's feeling good and I know he'll be ready," Lue said, projecting optimism about Leonard’s fitness. Having Leonard back on the court could provide the stabilizing force the team needs during this period of transition.

A New Chapter

The changes underway with the Clippers signal the beginning of an exciting and challenging new chapter. Lue’s stewardship combined with the influx of new defensive players and the reinforcement of his coaching staff sets the stage for a compelling season. The departure of George is undoubtedly a significant blow, but with Kawhi Leonard’s imminent return and Van Gundy’s strategic input, the Clippers are poised to defy expectations.

"We're going to play winning basketball, and I know we're going to have a chance to be pretty good. It's going to be my job to make sure we get to that point — whatever I have to do," Lue asserted. The Clippers may have been counted out by critics, but under Lue’s motivated leadership, they are determined to prove them wrong and craft a new, competitive identity.