A Charismatic Leader and a Magical Run to the Final Four

A Charismatic Leader

Amidst celebrations, DJ Burns Jr. showcases his joy through an unorthodox yet endearing manner - he skips. Following a triumphant victory over Duke, Burns, alongside two of his teammates, donned Final Four hats, each displaying a piece of the basketball net, a symbol of their hard-fought win. In a memorable moment at the post-game press conference, Burns captured the joy and pride of the occasion with a selfie, symbolizing not just a personal triumph but a team achievement. His infectious positivity, according to Burns, is rooted deeply in his upbringing, which has evidently shaped him into the amiable and spirited figure that stands before fans and the media today.

A Magical Run

The journey of North Carolina State to the Final Four as a double-digit seed has been nothing short of miraculous, drawing parallels to the legendary 1983 championship team recognized for its cinderella story. The Wolfpack's remarkable streak of nine consecutive elimination game victories, including an astounding five wins in as many days during the ACC tournament, has captivated the sports world. Coach Keatts points to an unwavering belief within the team as the catalyst for their success, emphasizing a deep-rooted trust in their identity and capabilities. As NC State toppled high-seeded adversaries like Marquette and Duke, Coach Keatts highlighted a salient point: in the Final Four, numerical seedings cease to matter, overshadowed by sheer determination and skill.

The Center of Attention

Standing at 6-foot-9 and weighing over 275 pounds, DJ Burns commands attention not only for his physical presence but for his skill on the basketball court that creates opportunities for his teammates. Coach Keatts praises Burns not just for his performance but for his amiable personality that endears him to everyone around. This camaraderie and Burns' standout efforts have not only propelled the Wolfpack forward but have also played a significant role in uniting the community and alumni in support of the team's remarkable journey.

The Spotlight Intensifies

The achievement of both N.C. State's men's and women's teams reaching the Final Four has significantly intensified the spotlight on the university's basketball program. DJ Burns acknowledges the heightened public recognition and the accompanying pressure that comes with such a significant accomplishment. However, he remains thankful for the overwhelming support from fans, viewing it as a driving force propelling the team forward. Burns' gratitude towards the fans emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between a team and its supporters, underscoring how fan support can indeed fuel a team's aspirations and achievements.


In reflecting on his upbringing and its impact on his demeanor, Burns shares, "I was raised in a happy environment. I try to take that with me everywhere I go." This sentiment resonates throughout his interactions, infusing a sense of joy and positivity around him, an invaluable trait for a team's morale.

Coach Keatts speaks highly of the team's unwavering belief in themselves, stating, "They never lost trust in who they are, and they've put together one of the most magical runs in the history of basketball." This belief has been the cornerstone of their success, empowering them to overcome odds and expectations.

On the significance of team rankings in the Final Four, Keatts offers a perspective that levels the playing field, "When you make it to the Final Four, people don't look at what your number is." This remark underscores the notion that at such a high competition level, rankings become secondary to performance and heart.

Highlighting Burns' impact on the team's dynamic, a teammate notes, "When DJ gets going, it makes it easier for us guards on the perimeter. He draws so much attention. All we can do is stay ready: stay ready to shoot, stay ready to make a play." This testament to Burns' influence demonstrates how his presence on the court facilitates opportunities for his teammates to excel.

Reflecting on the recent surge in attention, Burns admitted, "It's been kind of crazy," sharing a candid glimpse into the whirlwind experience the team has been navigating. Despite the chaos, his gratitude remains evident, "If you're supporting us, thank you." This appreciation for fan support underscores the reciprocal relationship and mutual respect between the team and their loyal fanbase.